The final instalment in her series of 4 LIVE Broadcasts made over the course of a year (December 2010 – November 2011). Harrison draws on recurring themes from her previous broadcasts, to introduce the ideas behind Oliver Braid’s exhibition I’ll Look Forward To It and tell the story of her own work-life successes and failures in 2011. (Duration: 27:50)

Broadcast LIVE (via Skype) from her bedroom in Glasgow to the studio of artist Oliver Braid on the eve of the opening of I’ll Look Forward To It – an exhibition orchestrated by him for Collective, Edinburgh as part of the New Work Scotland programme.

As part of Harrison’s contribution to I’ll Look Forward To It, she devised this broadcast specifically to ‘complete the set’ of 4 LIVE Broadcasts. As a final instalment, it serves as a conclusion to a very busy year. Drawing on some of the recurring themes from previous broadcasts, Harrison introduces the ideas behind I’ll Look Forward To It and tells the story of her own work / career / love successes and failures in 2011, in the hope of making a fresh start in 2012.

Best of the Rest Best of the Rest (2011)