25 March 2002
Nottingham Evening Post (p.3)

Evening Post

It’s the sort of dietary devotion that could give you art burn…

For a whole year, every time Ellie Harrison had a meal she took a snap of it first.
The 23-year-old’s time was eaten up by her final-year project at Nottingham Trent University, where she was studying fine arts.

Now her photo diary has had positive results, in the form of a website and a London exhibition… and the whole thing, appropriately, started with the Big Apple.

For it was in New York that she got her teeth into the idea for the project called Eat 22, that helped her to gain her degree.

While visiting the city two years ago, she kept a photographic log of her meals and, having digested the appetising results, decided to try it for a year.

Her first taste of her final year project came on her 22nd birthday, March 11 2001.

Ellie said “I am obsessed with food, but not in a bad way. I just love eating. The day before my birthday I bought a digital camera and it all started there. I became so obsessed with it that I never forgot to take a picture. I have forgotten my camera a few times – and my dad had to take a photo with his own.”

Now Ellie has created her own website where you can see every meal she ate, from rice pudding and Bran Flakes to Indian sweets.

She finished her project on March 11 2002 and all 1640 photographs can be seen on her website.

Professor Frank Abbott, senior lecturer in fine arts at Nottingham Trent, said “Ellie was very imaginative and resourceful with her work.”

Her work was previewed at the Broadway Cinema bar in Nottingham in November and was shown this month at the 291 Gallery in London.

All 1640 photographs are packed into a two-and-a-half minute piece shown at ten frames a second.

Ellie’s food art does not end there: her website is full of food, food and more food.

Ellie, now living in London with her parents, said that since finishing her project it has been strange being able to eat without thinking about the camera.

She said “I’m on a see food diet at the minute… I see food and I eat it! It’s really nice to just pick something out of the fridge.”

People can view Ellie’s photographs, read her log and enjoy her obsessively artistic eating habits on her website at www.ellieharrison.com

Clare Pilling